FINAL EXAM        FINAL RESULT PUBLISH        Art Competition        Half exam will be start on 10-01-2023        Assalamualaikum, North South Int'l School & College is going to start their physical classes from October 3rd, 2021 (Sunday)        Admission Open        

Mission And Vision


Our mission is to create dynamic educational environment, encouraging the learners to enhance their maximum latent talent by learning at their functional level to provide world class quality education and values.


NSISC believes that a happy, safe child wills be successfully confident, responsible, and innovative, informed, engaged, and accredited to be adaptable class one global citizen.


Emphasizes respect ,patience ,hard work, independence, self-control, promote campus civility and academic integrity


NSISC pursues to put in the learners group it contemplate a love of learning, a pledge to purvey others to the
pursuit of religious truth, moral goodness and aesthetic beauty. We will appreciate differences. We will be risk

Core Values 

  • Students, parents and teachers have freedom of right to exchange their views equally.

  • Learning for better achievement :

  • NSISC introduces importance of multi-role for having consistency of improvement

  • New ideas, process, methodologies, technologies are accepted for the betterment of pupils.

  • Social responsibilities are expected equally for all .

  • NSISC is working to make the future leader for competitive world .


Staff Commitments

Stimulating per excellence and  standards in life-long learning

Provoking a balance between academics and extra-curricular opportunities for students

Promoting professional development and a collaborative working community for all stakeholders

Creating opportunities/activities that promote and support improved student attitudes and behaviors - Grad Legacy,
respect for school environment

Knowing, considering and responding to factors affecting the well-being of students and colleagues, developing
improved links to community resources

Student Commitments

Supporting and promoting students with diverse learning needs

Respecting equity and Human Rights - racism, religion, sexual orientation

Modeling attitudes and behavior that contribute to a safe and respectful learning and working environment for all

Parent Commitments

Learn more about backwards planning for course selection and promote that option with the parent community.

Support alternative methods of maintaining contact with the parent community.

Support school success initiatives, specifically, but limited to, the school year calendar and code of conduct.

NSISC aims to...

  • Promote a strongly rooted knowledge of, and involvement with, national heritage, culture and language.

  • Develop students' intellectual, creative and moral qualities as well as practical skills at the highest possible

  • Develop discipline as well as healthy self-esteem in students.

  • Develop students' skills and abilities to meet global challenges, and to be responsible citizens.

  • Encourage students to develop positive attitudes to learn with trust, confidence, curiosity, responsibility and

  • Build strong foundations for further academic development.

  • Promote opportunities for success in the areas of students' strengths and develop skills to overcome

  • Develop students' study habits and instill the desire to become accomplished human beings.

  • Develop social awareness and a sense of responsibility amongst students.

  • Focus on each student as a unique individual and address their needs accordingly.

  • Encourage development of every aspect of a student by considering all facets of childhood development.


School Rules

The goal of the school’s discipline policy is to assist each student in developing self-discipline and to learn
to take responsibility for his or her actions. Please refer to the general school rules that all students must abide
by which are as follows:

  1. No child may leave the school premises during school hours without permission from their parents either by
    letter or by telephone in case of emergency.

  2. No smoking or drugs permitted on school grounds and buildings.

  3. Modesty of dress and behavior is expected at all times

  4. Punctuality and attendance is required: a letter is required to excuse absences.

  5. Students must return home as indicated on their registration cards.

  6. off periods are to be used for study in designated rooms.

  7. For a first offence, a letter will be sent home and for subsequent offence, a student may be given a T.C.











Class I


Class II


Class III


Class IV


Class V


Class VI


Class VII


Class VIII


Class IX


Class X


A Level First Year


Our Curriculum

NSISC is providing a complete effective course from pre-pay to A’ Level.We are developing our own curriculum
followed by Cambridge International Education  .

Early years

Integrated program including panoramic curriculum engaging in the classroom having specific assessment


Curriculum and assessment for five subjects including Bengali  , English , Mathematics and

Lower secondary

We offer Curriculum and assessment for lower secondary

10 subjects including English, Mathematics and science.

O' Level Program

NSISC's O' Level program encourages students to engage, invent, manage and compete - equipping them for eventual
success in the public examinations under CIE –O’ Level.

16 Subjects are offered for  O' Level including Mathematics Syllabus-D ,Additional Mathematics, English
Literature, English language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology,  Business Studies, Commerce , Bangladesh studies 
, Economics, Accounting, , Computer Science.

The teaching program at NSISC covers the O' Level syllabus thoroughly and undertake overall revision effectively.
Subject’s wise problems are solved in the classroom.


A' Level Program

We offer a choice of 8 subjects including English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Accounting, Economics
and ICT. To provide quality of education NSISC Providing support of enrich LAB including Physics LAB, Chemistry LAB,
Biology LAB, and Computer LAB. To provide teaching materials a suitable library is always open for students and

